Bitumen terminals can include mixing devices and heating systems and tanks of different sizes. Bitumen terminals can be 3 different sizes; 1000, 2000, 20000 m³.
BMT Advantages
It can be produced in different sizes depending on space availability.
• Shell-and-tube heat exchangers
• Shut-off and control valves
• Connecting pipelines
• Control and measuring instruments
• Thermal insulation
• Support frame
• Modular Design
• Modern Equipment
• High Standarts
Other Plants
Review Details For Technical Specifications
The terminal is filled with bitumen using tank trucks at the automatic unloading station – ATU-3.01, which consists of posts with an operator and a control panel. It is designed for the simultaneous unloading of viscous and solidifying liquids from three tank trucks, pumping the product between the tanks and delivering it to the consumer or to the storage park. Hermetic forced discharge of the product is carried out through a metal hose with a quick-release connection. Each section is equipped with a pump unit, which allows for the simultaneous independent unloading of tank trucks.
The automatic control system records data on the unloading process, parameters of the unloaded product: temperature, mass flow rate and operation time. Also, the operational data is archived.
The terminal also provides simultaneous loading of two tank trucks at the automatic vehicle loading point – MTL-2.01, which is designed for the top loading of the complex’s products ready for shipment by feeding them through a pipeline system from intensive heating tanks to the top hatch of the tank truck. An automatic system for stopping the loading is provided when a specified mass of the product in the tank truck is reached.
The bitumen terminal includes a heat carrier heating unit – THU-1200.01. Thermal oil is used as a heat carrier. For storage and transportation of oil, a boiler, pumping equipment and the necessary control valves are located in the unit. The heat carrier is necessary for heating the tank farm and tank trucks, it ensures the required fluidity of the bitumen for its pumping and draining from tank trucks at low ambient temperatures. The terminal is equipped with an autonomous closed heating system. Thermal oil is heated in the boiler to a specified operating temperature. The burner installed in the boiler can be mono-fuel: diesel, fuel oil, gas or multi-fuel.
The terminal is controlled from the control post, which is located at the ATU-3.01 vehicle unloading point and is equipped with an operator control panel. The terminal provides the ability to record the material flow of bitumen at the distribution unit – FMU-4, in which flow meters are installed.
Two units are used for pumping viscous liquids – HPS-55. The unit is based on a gear pump. A gear motor is used for the drive. The unit is equipped with an inlet filter for viscous oil products, oil heating and thermal insulation systems. The equipment is compactly placed on a base frame. Liquids are pumped between tanks and tanker unloading / loading stations via four mounted pipeline racks – “Pipeline rack”.
Tank trucks pass through a checkpoint – “Checkpoint” installed at the entrance to the terminal and have convenient approaches to the bitumen loading and unloading stations for maneuvering and turning.
The “BMT-20000” bitumen terminal kit includes a laboratory building designed for timely analysis of the physical and chemical properties of stored and transported bitumen.