Automatic Railway Unloader | ARU

Automatic Railway Unloader | ARU

Designed for accelerated automatic emptying of railway tanks. The emptying time depends on the season and the region where the emptying is carried out. In summer, bitumen is discharged in a period of 7 to 17 hours, in winter, in a period of 10 to 24 hours.

ErichHahn ARU Advantages

• Fast tank heating and rapid discharge of bituminous materials
• High degree of process automation
• High wear resistance of all installation elements

Why ErichHahn ARU?

• Intensive heating of viscous and solidifying liquids for rapid tank emptying
• Full automation of the emptying process
• High-performance energy efficiency
• Compact placement of the unit on a base frame
• Compliance with safety requirements
• High-quality and proven pump and electrical equipment

Other Vehicle Loading and Unloading Equipments

Review Details For Technical Specifications
